Disclaimer: I am 22 weeks pregnant, so none of the following information may be used to make fun of me.
With that being said, all of the pregnancy emotions that I haven't had have all hit me this week. First, I got Myers' supply list for his new 1 year old room and on the list was a rain coat and rain boots. I don't know why this upset me so bad. There was something really sad about my baby wearing rain boots. Second, I cannot watch, see pictures of or even hear about someone having a baby. For some reason it just makes me lose it. I guess it's because I know how they feel and I'm about to do it again, and everything is going so fast, and I want to slow this pregnancy down because I know how big my babies will be so soon or maybe it's for no other reason than I'm pregnant. At Myers' "Meet the Teacher Night" I had to do everything I could do not to lose it again. I couldn't ask any questions because I was scared I would choke up. The only thing I wanted to know was if my baby could have a cover for his nap mat. I know he's not special and he doesn't need a cover, but something about a nap mat cover makes me feel like my baby isn't sleeping on the nasty plastic blue and red nap mat. I never found out if he could have one or not. Maybe I can email the teacher.
This is the best picture I could get of Myers on his first day of school.