Monday, August 16, 2010



Disclaimer: I am 22 weeks pregnant, so none of the following information may be used to make fun of me.

With that being said, all of the pregnancy emotions that I haven't had have all hit me this week. First, I got Myers' supply list for his new 1 year old room and on the list was a rain coat and rain boots. I don't know why this upset me so bad. There was something really sad about my baby wearing rain boots. Second, I cannot watch, see pictures of or even hear about someone having a baby. For some reason it just makes me lose it. I guess it's because I know how they feel and I'm about to do it again, and everything is going so fast, and I want to slow this pregnancy down because I know how big my babies will be so soon or maybe it's for no other reason than I'm pregnant. At Myers' "Meet the Teacher Night" I had to do everything I could do not to lose it again. I couldn't ask any questions because I was scared I would choke up. The only thing I wanted to know was if my baby could have a cover for his nap mat. I know he's not special and he doesn't need a cover, but something about a nap mat cover makes me feel like my baby isn't sleeping on the nasty plastic blue and red nap mat. I never found out if he could have one or not. Maybe I can email the teacher.

This is the best picture I could get of Myers on his first day of school.

It's a....

nother BOY!!

We are so excited that Myers is going to get a little brother. To be honest it took me a little while to get over that shock that I will be the only girl in a house full of boys. I was having daymares of me pulling a cooler filled with gatorade through the ballpark sunburned with a hoarse voice from yelling at the day's games. But the reality is that I'm going to absolutely love watching my precious boys play ball (or whatever they want to play).

After much discussion and debating, we have decided that his name will be...

Harris Matthew Ginn

We will call him Harris, and he his scheduled to be here at the end of December or beginning of January.

This is the car of a mom at the daycare who has two boys. Will this eventually be my car?